Tuesday, February 19, 2013


1. According to the slides how do we define power, prestige, and privileges and give an example of each.
Social Class refers to an ordering of individuals according to their prestige, power and privilege. According to our power point slides we define power as the ability to force another person to do something even against their will. We define prestige as respect and status in society and we also define privilege as the special advantage or benefit enjoyed by individuals, but not at all. An example of power is the President because he has power of what goes on throughout the country, an example of prestige could be an intelligent, well-known and well-liked woman or man such as the mayor of a town, and an example of privilege could be someone who has a well-paying job and is successful and makes enough money that they have the privilege to own lavish things and be well-off in the economy.

2. Also, what three variables do Sociologists use to define social class. How would you define your social class and why?

Three variable Sociologists use to define social class are income, occupation and education. I would define my personal social class as working poor because I am a college student and my source of income is through my part time babysitting jobs. My family could be considered as part of the middle class because we are well off enough based on the income my father and mother make but would not be able to go out and spend money on unnecessary items but to spend money wisely. 

3. Your importance in U.S. society is often linked to race/ethnicity, education, age, income, and gender. Think about how your race/ethnicity or gender or age has blocked your from an opportunity or given you an advantage. Please identify your age, education, gender of race/ethnicity and then tell me your story of an opportunity or disadvantage you have experienced in your life. 

I am a 19 year old white female and I am a sophomore at Montclair State University. I got my first babysitting job when I was 17 years old and I am still working for that family now. I think my age was definitely an advantage in getting this job because the parents are young themselves and I feel they would rather have a younger outgoing girl babysit their two young daughters, rather than an older nanny because then I could build a relationship with a girls and in some aspects act as a role model for them. 

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